apabila bukan ahli yang memangku bumi maka berlakulah kejadian yang berlaku hari ini. Pupuk sifat mangku bumi dalam jiwa.
Posted by Park Chick at 5:37 PM 3 comments
Posted by Park Chick at 10:28 AM 1 comments
Baru sampai ja time ni...pusing2 jap tengok lubang masuk...haha
Posted by Park Chick at 3:21 PM 3 comments
Posted by Park Chick at 5:46 PM 0 comments
Aku termenung sambil menghadap tembok konkrit yang menempatkan keluarga manusia dari rumpun yang berbeza. Mereka ini luhur jiwanya. Merentas laut yang jauh, buat mengutip rezeki yang ditakdirkan gugur di sini. Sesekali terasa rindu untuk memijak kaki ke tanah tumpah darah ibuku. Kembali ke persekitaran yang menyambut aku suatu tika dulu. Di bawah redup dedaun rimba, di bawah lindungan atap rumbia yang meyelit di celahnya bilah-bilah cahaya matahari. Peparu alam yang masih segar sihatnya menghembuskan angin yang menyentuh kulit tipisku tika itu.
Itu cerita dulu-dulu. Di sini, di persekitaran baru, aku tenang. Biarpun, anginnya dihembus peparu yang sudah uzur. Cahaya matahari di lindung konkrit yang keras. Aku tenang, biarpun tidur beralaskan kain yang dilipat. Seringkali, tidurku memohon bantuan hembusan nafas dari peparu plastik. Biarpun nyamuk-nyamuk sering membintatkan kulit. Biarpun tetangga sering melagukan irama-irama yang hanya mungkin mententeramkan hati mereka. Aku tenang.
Jiranku di kampong sebelah terpaksa mendayung rakit. Kasihan.
Sahabatku di kampong sebelah, entah madi entahkan tidak. Entahkan minum entahkan tidak. Biarpun khabarnya, air sudah mencecah seinci rongga nafas. Airnya memenuhi ruang rumah tanpa perlu dibayar.
Jiranku di jajahan berbeza terpaksa mencatu nafas yang disedut. Kasihan.
Sahabatku di kampong sebelah, entah berasap dapurnya entahkan tidak. Entahkan bernafas entahkan tidak. Biarpun khabar yang dibawa, api memanas tanpa perlu dibayar. Udara yang dulunya tak Nampak, kini jelas di mata.
Posted by Park Chick at 2:02 PM 2 comments
Adik ipar Blair peluk Islam
LONDON: Adik ipar bekas perdana menteri Britain Tony Blair yang juga penyiar dan wartawan Lauren Booth, 43, mengumumkan beliau memeluk Islam enam minggu lalu selepas mendapat hidayah.
“Ajaibnya, sejak memeluk Islam saya langsung tidak teringin menyentuh arak, sedangkan sebelum ini saya akan minum sekurang-kurangnya dua gelas setiap hari,” katanya yang dipetik akhbar Daily Mail.
“Tiba-tiba saja saya berasa tenang dan gembira. Sejurus tiba di Britain, saya terus mengambil keputusan memeluk Islam,” katanya.
Mengenai kemungkinan untuk memakai burqa atau penutup muka, Lauren tidak menafikan akan berbuat demikian pada masa depan.
“Siapa tahu ke arah mana dan hala tuju mana Islam akan membawa saya seterusnya?” katanya.
Lauren sebelum ini diketahui sebagai seorang yang bersimpati dengan Islam dan menghabiskan banyak masa bertugas di Palestin.
“Saya kagum dengan keteguhan dan keindahan agama ini,” katanya apabila ditanya mengenai Islam. – Agensi
Posted by Park Chick at 12:52 PM 1 comments
Bukan mahu 'berpolitik' mengganggu rumahtangga-mu tetapi sekadar pandangan orang yang berada di luar rumah Malaysia’s most famous writer....has criticized the current BN model of governance in her interview with.... She said frankly that “check and balances do not belong to the people” under the present system which may lead to possible abuse of power in the future. “The government has also come out to say that if it is found to be corrupt or incompetent, it should be voted out, because it deserves it. At the same time, the current administration knows that the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) cannot exist in its current form indefinitely. The party is engaged in a process of self-renewal, but self-renewal to their image. This leads to the perpetuation of a trusting citizenry that has received no real political education. Trusting power is a terrible thing. You are better off distrusting power in the long-run,” she wrote. There is no viable opposition in Malaysia to check on the BN regime which remains in control of all the institutions of the state, including the media, police, civil service and grassroots organizations. She added that the right to demonstrate is important because “it is people’s way of expressing sentiments and ideas in avenues that are not otherwise open to them.” “The government always retorts by stating that such voices should be expressed in Parliament and that such individuals should join politics. But democracy does not require one to join politics and speak in Parliament. People should be free to express their views. Of course, a line should be drawn when violence and vindictiveness come into play. The BN regime has introduced repressive laws of late such as the Public Order Act forbidding even a solo protest on the usual flimsy grounds of “public order and safety” to perpetuate its political hegemony forever. With the time running out for BN strongman Mahathir, it remains to be seen if his successors are able to continue the same system of governance in Malaysia for long Respon pembaca
Posted by Park Chick at 5:07 PM 1 comments
æ ‘å€’çŒ¢ç‹²æ•£ (pinyin: shù dÇŽo hú sÅ«n sà n)
Literally: When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter.
Can we still continue to improve with the 87 years old man Mahathir considered as “THE OLDEST LIVING POLITICIAN ON EARTH”?
Another, our head of state, the PM at 85 years old is also the “OLDEST HEAD OF STATE AMONG OECD COUNTRIES AND ON EARTH”
Despite only at 53 years old, Malaysia is feeling very very old.
Due to very old age i.e. at near 90 years old, the old man is blocking and holding up everything.
He is mainly causing uncertainty to the future improvement and development of the people in this country.
Still reluctant to give up his power and position, the future of this country looks BLEAK.
A very weak PM being led by a very old man.
Observe and Judge for yourself…not the past, “OUR FUTURE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT.”
Is this all that ... can manage?
“She said frankly that “check and balances do not belong to the people” under the present system which may lead to possible abuse of power in the future.”
What does she mean by the present system leading to possible abuse of power in the future?
That abuse of power has already taken place in the past, and it continues to take place now.
And for such cowardliness, ... also gets to be proclaimed to be Malaysia’s most famous writer?
Famous for what? For toeing the line so that she gets to keep her job?
Buddha said: “Everything changes, nothing remains without change.”
Never ever trust any politician.
Look at DrM 45 years ago and look at him now, history is peppered with example of people like him, a fix maximun term like what advance first world practice is a good deterrent for despot and dictator but guess who will oppose such a system? I know for sure, North Korea, Myamar, China and of course Singapore, indo and malaysia.
Until I can afford a flat, BN is going down ……
@Bernard Chan
Aiyoh! Bernard Chan ahh! Bernard Chan!
Read this again, please!
The government always retorts by stating that such voices should be expressed in Parliament and that such individuals should join politics. But democracy does not require one to join politics and speak in Parliament. People should be free to express their views. Of course, a line should be drawn when violence and vindictiveness come into play.
Next time, please read before you comment lah!
The disservice that Mahathir has brought to Malaysia,
a. He is not magnanimous. He pursues, imprisons and bankrupts opponents who disagree with him.
b. He is mean.
c. He is an arrogant academic snob. Being a scholar he looks down on people who are not so
academically gifted.
d. He is unforgiving. Cross him and he remembers it for life. He goes out of his way to persecute people
who disagree with him.
e. He is unrepentant. He never admits to mistakes and believes he is infallible.
f. He is blind. He cannot accept that his son is not prime minister material and that his daughter in law is
not wealth fund manager material.
g. He has a blighted view of human nature. To him everyone and everything can be bought and has a
price tag attached.
h. He is a coward. He talks big but gets others to do the dirty work.
i. He is a hypocrite. He talks against corruption but installs a system of legalized corruption. He talks of
nepotism in neighboring countries but ignores the nepotism that he practices in Singapore.
I can go on but there is the danger that I might in frustration throw the keyboard at the computer screen! Nobody disagrees that he has done a lot for Malaysia. Yes a lot of good and a lot of damage too. Malaysia is in danger of losing its character and soul. Mammon is the new god. We have been politically castrated, blinded and rendered impotent by an egoistic megalomaniac. It might take a long time to get rid of the poison in the system and build a vibrant and engaged civil and political society. Firstly, we must rid ourselves of the DrM is Almighty syndrome. Otherwise, Malaysia is doomed to be another Burma or North Korea.